
' Program developed by Jason Page of Page Telegram May of 2024
' V1.00 is not fault tolerant: text file needs consistently 5 columns and
' the last line EOF must not be an empty carriage return.
' This software is not yet ready for release for production, yet until
' Fault tolerant measures are made.

' This software is released privately and folks are welcome to improve
' Upon it. If you have such interest you may contact me:

' ToDoGram copyright Jason Page 2024

' This software is developed for easily updatable text based todo display
' and can be implemented in different merchant environments.
' Press "F" to toggle full screen and +/- for incrementing rotation in
' seconds. This software is designed to be compiled in qb64 compiler.
' See for details or google for it.

DIM SHARED a$(255), b$(255), c$(255), d$(255), e$(255)

declare sub  menu(tis) as dynamic
declare sub disp(tis) as dynamic
_TITLE "ToDoGram V1.00 by Page Telegram, March 2024"

f = 0
tis = 5

CALL menu(tis)

p = p + 1

COLOR 15, 2
PRINT "                        MENU AS OF: "; DATE$; "  "; TIME$; "              sec:"; tis
COLOR 12, 1
tmp$ = "    \      \ \  \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
PRINT USING tmp$; a$(0); b$(0); c$(0); d$(0); e$(0)
COLOR 15, 0

SUB menu (tis)

        IF f = 1 THEN
            _FULLSCREEN OFF
        END IF
        p = 1
        c = 0: i = 0
        IF _FILEEXISTS("todo.txt") THEN
            OPEN "todo.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
                IF NOT (EOF(1)) THEN
                    INPUT #1, a$(c), b$(c), c$(c), d$(c), e$(c)
                    c = c + 1
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL EOF(1)
            CLOSE #1
            CALL disp(tis)
            COLOR 12, 1
            tmp$ = "    \       \ \   \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
            PRINT USING tmp$; a$(0); b$(0); c$(0); d$(0); e$(0)

            FOR i = 1 TO c
                IF i MOD 2 = 1 THEN
                    COLOR 0, 15

                    COLOR 15, 0

                END IF

                tmp$ = "##  \       \ \   \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
                PRINT USING tmp$; i; a$(i); b$(i); c$(i); d$(i); e$(i)

                IF i MOD 17 = 0 THEN
                    SELECT CASE tis
                        CASE 1: ON TIMER(1) GOSUB five
                        CASE 2: ON TIMER(2) GOSUB five
                        CASE 3: ON TIMER(3) GOSUB five
                        CASE 4: ON TIMER(4) GOSUB five
                        CASE 5: ON TIMER(5) GOSUB five
                        CASE 6: ON TIMER(6) GOSUB five
                        CASE 7: ON TIMER(7) GOSUB five
                        CASE 8: ON TIMER(8) GOSUB five
                        CASE 9: ON TIMER(9) GOSUB five
                        CASE 10: ON TIMER(10) GOSUB five
                        CASE 11: ON TIMER(11) GOSUB five
                        CASE 12: ON TIMER(12) GOSUB five
                        CASE 13: ON TIMER(13) GOSUB five
                        CASE 14: ON TIMER(14) GOSUB five
                        CASE 15: ON TIMER(15) GOSUB five
                        CASE 16: ON TIMER(16) GOSUB five
                        CASE 17: ON TIMER(17) GOSUB five
                        CASE 18: ON TIMER(18) GOSUB five
                        CASE 19: ON TIMER(19) GOSUB five
                        CASE 20: ON TIMER(20) GOSUB five
                    END SELECT

                END IF

                SELECT CASE LCASE$(INKEY$)
                    CASE CHR$(27): SYSTEM
                    CASE "f": IF f = 0 THEN f = 1 ELSE f = 0: GOTO 1
                    CASE "-", "_":
                        IF tis > 1 THEN
                            tis = tis - 1
                            GOTO 1
                        END IF
                    CASE "+", "=":
                        IF tis < 20 THEN
                            tis = tis + 1
                            GOTO 1
                        END IF
                END SELECT

            NEXT i

            PRINT "Creating file 'todo.txt' as did not already exist. Please open this file in a text editor such as notepad with 5 columns seperated by a comma."
            PRINT "Hit any key..."
            OPEN "todo.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
            PRINT #2, "Date,Task,N/D,Done,Cost"
            PRINT "File created. Please open '~/todo.txt' and add essential display items. Program restarts in 10 seconds."
            PRINT "[ESC]ape to exit or toggle full screen mode using [F] key..."
            SLEEP 10
            CLOSE #2
        END IF
        SLEEP tis

SUB disp (tis)

    COLOR 15, 2
    LOCATE 1, 1
    PRINT "                        MENU AS OF: "; DATE$; "  "; TIME$; "              sec:"; tis
    COLOR 12, 1


Here is a revised version with html view support for local machine and web server.

' Program developed by Jason Page of Page Telegram May of 2024
' V1.00 is not fault tolerant: text file needs consistently 5 columns and
' the last line EOF must not be an empty carriage return.
' This software is not yet ready for release for production, yet until
' Fault tolerant measures are made.

' This software is released privately and folks are welcome to improve
' Upon it. If you have such interest you may contact me:

' ToDoGram copyright Jason Page 2024

' This software is developed for easily updatable text based todo display
' and can be implemented in different merchant environments.
' Press "F" to toggle full screen and +/- for incrementing rotation in
' seconds. This software is designed to be compiled in qb64 compiler.
' See for details or google for it.

Dim Shared a$(255), b$(255), c$(255), d$(255), e$(255)

declare sub  menu(tis) as dynamic
declare sub disp(tis) as dynamic
declare sub web(tis) as dynamic

'DIM localLine$ AS STRING
'DIM columns AS STRING

_Title "ToDoGram V1.01h by Page Telegram, March 2024"
Timer On

f = 0
tis = 5

Call menu(tis)

p = p + 1

Color 15, 2
Locate 1, 1
Print "                        TODO AS OF: "; Date$; "  "; Time$; "              sec:"; tis
Color 12, 1
tmp$ = "    \      \ \  \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
Print Using tmp$; a$(0); b$(0); c$(0); d$(0); e$(0)
Color 15, 0
Timer Stop
Timer On

Sub web (tis)
    Dim columns(5) As String
    Open "todo.txt" For Input As #1 ' Open the CSV file for reading
    Open "todo.html" For Output As #2 ' Open the HTML file for writing

    ' Write the beginning of the HTML document
    Print #2, "<html><head><title>Todo List</title><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='8'></head><body>"
    Print #2, "<table border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse;'>"

    ' Read the first line for column headings
    If Not EOF(1) Then
        Line Input #1, headings$
        ' Initialize variables
        Dim heading(5) As String
        colNum = 1
        temp$ = ""
        For i = 1 To Len(headings$)
            char$ = Mid$(headings$, i, 1)
            If char$ = "," Then
                heading(colNum) = temp$
                colNum = colNum + 1
                temp$ = ""
                temp$ = temp$ + char$
            End If
        Next i
        heading(colNum) = temp$ ' Add the last heading after the loop

        ' Write the header row with custom headings
        Print #2, "<tr style='background-color: yellow; color: black;'>"
        For i = 1 To colNum
            Print #2, "<th>"; heading(i); "</th>"
        Next i
        Print #2, "</tr>"
    End If

    ' Initialize variables for alternating row colors
    rowColor = TRUE

    ' Read each line from the CSV and write it to the table
    Do While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, line$

        ' Manual parsing of line into columns
        colNum = 1
        temp$ = ""

        For i = 1 To Len(line$)
            char$ = Mid$(line$, i, 1)
            If char$ = "," Then
                columns(colNum) = temp$
                colNum = colNum + 1
                temp$ = ""
                temp$ = temp$ + char$
            End If
        Next i
        columns(colNum) = temp$ ' Add the last column after the loop

        ' Alternate row color between light red and light blue
        If rowColor Then
            Print #2, "<tr style='background-color: #FFCCCC;'>" ' Light red
            rowColor = FALSE
            Print #2, "<tr style='background-color: #CCCCFF;'>" ' Light blue
            rowColor = TRUE
        End If

        ' Write each column to the table
        For i = 1 To colNum
            Print #2, "<td>"; columns(i); "</td>"
        Next i
        Print #2, "</tr>"

    ' Write the end of the HTML document
    Print #2, "</table></body></html>"

    ' Close the files
    Close #1
    Close #2
End Sub

Sub menu (tis)
    ' ***


    ' ***


        If f = 1 Then
            _FullScreen Off
        End If
        p = 1
        c = 0: i = 0

        If _FileExists("todo.txt") Then

            ' QBASIC code to remove carriage return at last line of text file if that line contains no text

            ' Get the filename from user input
            afile$ = "todo.txt"

            ' Open the file
            Open afile$ For Input As #1

            ' Read the file until the last line
            While Not EOF(1)
                Line Input #1, last_line$

            ' Close the file
            Close #1

            ' Check if the last line is empty
            If Len(last_line$) = 0 Then
                ' Re-open the file for writing
                Open afile$ For Input As #1
                Open afile$ For Output As #2

                ' Write all lines except the last one
                While Not EOF(1)
                    Line Input #1, last_line$
                    If Not EOF(1) Then
                        Print #2, last_line$
                    End If

                ' Close both files
                Close #1
                Close #2

                ' PRINT "Removed empty last line from "; afile$
                ' PRINT "Last line in "; afile$; " is not empty."
            End If

            Open "todo.txt" For Input As #1
                If Not (EOF(1)) Then
                    Input #1, a$(c), b$(c), c$(c), d$(c), e$(c)
                    c = c + 1
                End If
            Loop Until EOF(1)
            Close #1
            Call disp(tis)
            Color 12, 1
            tmp$ = "    \       \ \   \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
            Print Using tmp$; a$(0); b$(0); c$(0); d$(0); e$(0)

            For i = 1 To c
                If i Mod 2 = 1 Then
                    Color 0, 15

                    Color 15, 0

                End If

                tmp$ = "##  \       \ \   \ \                                          \ \     \ \   \ "
                Print Using tmp$; i; a$(i); b$(i); c$(i); d$(i); e$(i)

                If i Mod 20 = 0 Then
                    Select Case tis
                        Case 1: On Timer(1) GoSub five
                        Case 2: On Timer(2) GoSub five
                        Case 3: On Timer(3) GoSub five
                        Case 4: On Timer(4) GoSub five
                        Case 5: On Timer(5) GoSub five
                        Case 6: On Timer(6) GoSub five
                        Case 7: On Timer(7) GoSub five
                        Case 8: On Timer(8) GoSub five
                        Case 9: On Timer(9) GoSub five
                        Case 10: On Timer(10) GoSub five
                        Case 11: On Timer(11) GoSub five
                        Case 12: On Timer(12) GoSub five
                        Case 13: On Timer(13) GoSub five
                        Case 14: On Timer(14) GoSub five
                        Case 15: On Timer(15) GoSub five
                        Case 16: On Timer(16) GoSub five
                        Case 17: On Timer(17) GoSub five
                        Case 18: On Timer(18) GoSub five
                        Case 19: On Timer(19) GoSub five
                        Case 20: On Timer(20) GoSub five
                    End Select

                End If

                Select Case LCase$(InKey$)
                    Case Chr$(27): System
                    Case "f": If f = 0 Then f = 1 Else f = 0: GoTo 1
                    Case "-", "_":
                        If tis > 1 Then
                            tis = tis - 1
                            GoTo 1
                        End If
                    Case "+", "=":
                        If tis < 20 Then
                            tis = tis + 1
                            GoTo 1
                        End If
                End Select

            Next i
            Call web(tis)
            Print "Creating file 'todo.txt' as did not already exist. Please open this file in a text editor such as notepad with 5 columns seperated by a comma."
            Print "Hit any key..."
            Open "todo.txt" For Output As #2
            Print #2, "Date,Task,N/D,Done,Cost"
            Print "File created. Please open '~/todo.txt' and add essential display items. Program restarts in 10 seconds."
            Print "[ESC]ape to exit or toggle full screen mode using [F] key..."
            Sleep 10
            Close #2
        End If
        Sleep tis

End Sub

Sub disp (tis)

    Color 15, 2
    Locate 1, 1
    Print "                        TODO AS OF: "; Date$; "  "; Time$; "              sec:"; tis
    Color 12, 1

End Sub